Out With The Old 

5 reasons to remodel your outdated kombi kitchen

Rip it up and start again? There is no denying there is often a lot of emotion around when it comes to removing old cabinetry from classic camper vans. I’m not entirely sure why. Is it simply nostalgia? Or a fear of looking like you’re trying too hard? Or does it just come from a deep seated uncertainty as to what to choose and how best to get started?

Most vintage vans have lived long, messy lives and more than likely have changed ownership multiple times. Unless you are lucky enough to have an immaculate original interior in your kombi camper you may well be contemplating how best to update your interior to better suit contemporary living.

Here are five compelling reasons to consider an upgrade.

1. Age

Get with the times

Would you really be happy with a kitchen in your home that had been there for fifty years? Imagine moving into a new apartment or house that still had an old fitted kitchen from the 1960s or 70s. I doubt you would even consider keeping some of the cabinets, let alone the outdated fridge, sink or stove. They would seem so old fashioned, clumsy, uneconomic and totally impractical for the way we live now. Yet plenty of people still seem to view it as heresy to update a Volkswagen interior.

Always remember, old is not necessarily original. And original is not by default well-designed. Many of the early kombi kitchens were basic diy jobs, done on the cheap. A lot of the older rock and roll beds are not even roadworthy nowadays. My recommendation is that if you plan to use the van as a camper, to tour about and live in, rather than to showcase at club days, then it makes sense to look carefully at alternative contemporary solutions that are currently available on the market for kombi interiors.

2. Weight

Shed those excess kilos

Unless you have fitted a Subaru engine or undertaken an EV conversion you are likely to be underpowered in a vintage Volkswagen. It makes sense to take some stress off your mechanics and minimise your load wherever you can. Many of the older camper interiors were buit from heavy 18mm chipboard on timber subframes with a thick Formica veneer. Fridges were usually gas powered, cumbersome and inefficient.

Lowd Vans cabinets are CNC precision cut from lightweight 12mm plywood with a film face protective finish. Modern appliances are compact and space-efficient. By minimising the weight of your cabinets, you start freeing up options to carry more of the things you really want with you on your trip. Once you also factor in the benefits of replacement flooring, elimination of heavy gas cylinder storage plus switching over to a lithium battery, you begin to see the advantages really stacking up.

3. Condition

Take off those rose-tinted glasses

It goes without saying that swollen chipboard and chipped formica are neither attractive nor hygienic. What's to love about faded surfaces, sticking drawers and broken hinges? Life on the road is full of compromises but you can make the day-to-day much easier if your interior space is efficient to use and easy to keep clean.

Lowd Vans cabinets are made from exterior grade birch plywood that will not swell or absorb moisture. The double sided film face factory finish is durable, attractive and simple to maintain. Hardware quality is important too. Our kits include prestige European fixtures and fittings - push-push catches, soft-close adjustable hinges, ball-bearing drawer runners - that will stand the test of time and are a real pleasure to use. 

4. Performance

Maximise your efficiency

Don’t hold yourself back with outmoded equipment. Twenty-first century living - even in the slow lane - has come a long way from flower power and the age of Aquarius. The digital revolution and the democratisation of solar technology have undoubtably changed the bounds of how and where we can live and work. Lowd Vans interiors have integrated charging stations for your electronic devices (see blog post Fully Wired). Our cabinets accomodate quiet and energy-efficient fridge-freezers powered by 12V lithium battery or rooftop solar, so there is no need to transport bulky LPG bottles.

Lowd Vans cabinets are also a vast improvement in terms of UX offering easy access to bright, spacious thoughtfully designed storage solutions. We have a range of flexible floorplans to suit your needs and how plan to use your van. Mix and match individual cabinets from our extensive catalogue to create your own bespoke layout or choose one of our popular complete assembly packages.

5. Aesthetics

Put your own stamp on it

Volkswagen kombi vans are timeless classics. Lowd Vans collections are inspired and informed by vintage Westfalia camp kits, taking design-cues from the era of the vehicles' manufacture as well as influences from the multitude of VW conversions that have come before. So even though 'beauty board' is not really an aesthetic most people hanker for nowadays, renovating your interior does not mean you have to go all out for change if you don't want to. With the right accessories it is easy to still foster a retro, cozy feel but without sacrificing efficiency or home comforts.

There are so many ways to freshen up your campervan interior and make it feel like home. Replacing your kombi cabinets will energise your space and allow you to reflect your unique style and personality in your fit out. Lowd Vans offer a range of colours and layouts with coordinationg accessories that allow you to customise your conversion to suit your needs and individual taste. Our diverse customer base is testament to the fact that no two interiors need ever look the same. Check out our Living Lowd lookbook for inspiration.

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